What do you do while you wait? ep.002
What do you do while you wait? The Disciples decided to make themselves busy with prayer. (Acts 1:14) I think there is a lot we can learn from this for our own season of waiting. If you are in a season of waiting find ways to be busy with prayer.
Scripture verses: Acts 1:12-26, 2 Timothy 3:16
7 Ways to pray while you wait.
1. Prayer Journaling
2. Guided Prayer -
The Examine - https://www.anewliturgy.com/no-6
Lectio 365 - https://www.24-7prayer.com/resource/lectio-365/
3. Breathing Prayer - Phrase on the way in, phrase on the way out. "Spirit" "Guide Me" ... "Give me." "Peace"
4. Prayer walking
5. Oikos Prayer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5az2LAtDDw&t=6s
6. Hashtag Prayer
7. Pray Scripture - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-HziKu5Ot0
Follow up Questions
1. What has your experience with prayer been like?
2. Which form of prayer would be the most helpful for you today?
3. What stuck out to you in todays message and how will you live that out this week?
4. Set aside some time this week to try one of these forms of prayer, and then take some time to reflect on the experience.
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