Week 02 - Our Picture of Church
We need to move from: Come and See to Go and Be.
People don't need to come to church to hear the gospel, they need to come to church because they have heard the gospel, and they want to grow in how to live out and share the gospel.
We need to move from: Spectators and Consumers to Priests and Missionaries.
Your friends don't need to come to your church. Your friends need you to be their church where they are.
What would it look like if Sunday morning wasn't the end goal. What if Sunday morning was a catalyst. A catalyst that charged up and sent out the church into the places we live work and play. What if worship happened in the church building, and at the brewery, the coffee house, the golf course, the living room, the break room, the back yard. What if the gospel wasn't simply proclaimed but one pastor one hour a week. What if the gospel was proclaimed by a sanctuary full of priests scattered out in the various places they go. The places they live, work, and play.