“Teamwork makes the dream work.” This is something I once heard Pastor Chris Hodges from Highland’s Church and the ARC church planting network say.  It is so true.  While the idea of being a Lone Ranger, blazing a new trail sounds good, the reality is, no one starts a church on their own. Church has always been, and will always be a community effort.  As a church planter, you are the first member of a church, which you hope will grow beyond a membership of one!  The only way to make that happen is to bring a team of people around you.  A team of people that love the gospel-centered vision that you are casting.  Other people that want to help carry out God’s work in the context in which you are planting.

In this session, we are going to talk about some fundamental principles for gathering a core team and developing leaders.  Do not think of this as a one-time thing. Bringing together and developing teams is something that needs to be in the DNA of your church throughout the life of your church. Why?

Whether you are talking about core team development, leadership development, or leadership pipelines, what we are really talking about is discipleship.  Realize that your core team is the first group of disciples your church will raise up.  These concepts need to be embedded in the DNA of your church because discipleship needs to be part of your church's core. As you walk through the Explore section, be in prayer for whom God will raise up to help plant the church in the community in which you are planting.