Microchurches: Learning from the KC Underground Story
KC Underground describes themselves as an innovative yet ancient form of church pursuing Jesus’ mission in Kansas City. They exist to inspire, engage, connect, equip and empower ordinary people to flourish in their souls and families, with that flourishing spilling over into mission where they live, work, learn, and play. Their goal is simple, to create a network of reproducing disciples, leaders, micro-churches, and congregations that will saturate Kansas City with the good news, justice and beauty. The name is a tribute to the underground church of history, characterized by sacrificial faith in the face of danger, oppression, and even death. We honor that memory and hope to represent that church in our city and around the world.
In this webinar we talk to Rob Wegner and Brian Johnson to hear more of KC Undergrounds story and explore a different model for being the church in the 21st Century.